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April 10, 2024

All Upcoming Star Wars Films and Shows Releasing 2024 and Beyond

Ahsoka’s finale attracted 863k concurrent viewers, according to Samba TV, which is higher than Andor’s final episode (591k) but lower than The Mandalorian (1.5M).

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April 5, 2024

Samba TV Unveils Real-Time Ad Targeting for Political Advertisers

Samba TV has unveiled a new solution that it says will help political advertisers better reach shifting voting audiences at the regional, state, and national level throughout the 2024 political season.

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April 4, 2024

Samba TV Launches Near Real-Time Political Platform

Ad technology and measurement company SambaTV is launching a near real-time platform to help political advertisers with next-day ad targeting at the regional, state, and national level throughout the 2024 political season.

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April 4, 2024

‘Road House’ and ‘Shogun’ Hold Strong in Netflix-Dominated Streaming Top 10

Modern streaming viewership frequently feels like an exercise in churn. With a constant barrage of premieres every week, audiences never run out of new programming choices, which is reflected in the constant movement on the weekly top streaming programs chart. It’s rare for a streaming title to be the most-watched program in back-to-back weeks and even rarer for a non-Netflix title to achieve that feat.

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April 3, 2024

IAB Unveils Agenda for the 2024 IAB NewFronts: Defining the Ad Supported Present and Future of Streaming

Amid a wave of innovation and significant changes in how consumers watch video, the 2024 IAB NewFronts will span four days from April 29th to May 2nd in New York City, showcasing the most exciting developments in digital content, marketplace trends, and growing video advertising formats.

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March 28, 2024

Jake Gyllenhaal’s ‘Road House’ Remake Smacks Down the Streaming Competition | Charts

One of the biggest critiques aimed at Hollywood these days is its overreliance on remakes and familiar IP. Of course, studios and streaming platforms maintain this strategy because it works.

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