News Center

July 26, 2019

Catalina Ties Digital Ads to Real-World Purchases Across 700 Audience Segments

Marketers continue to look for ways to prove the effectiveness of their digital ads, including by matching them to offline sales, something that can be a challenge since such transactional data is often tightly held by retailers.

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July 23, 2019

Catalina To Offer CPG Marketers, Retailers And Agencies New Targeting And Measurement Capabilities Across Television, Social Media And Programmatic Advertising

"...with our recently announced Samba TV partnership, Catalina now has extensive data and analytics capabilities to provide a comprehensive look at how all advertising, including TV advertising, is driving lift and in-store purchases for advertisers through both managed- and self-service options.”

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July 3, 2019

People Watching Dem Debate Were Big TV Watchers: Samba

Looking at both debates, Samba’s data shows that 48.2% of those who tuned in are classified as heavy TV viewers, with another 43.2% classified as mediumTV viewers. Less than 14% of the viewers of either of the debates were classified as light TV viewers.

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June 24, 2019

Ad-tech companies are moving full speed ahead to chase OTT ad dollars. Here are the 13 Companies poised to win the most.

Analytics company Samba TV was one of the first companies to get its ad-tech hooks into smart TVs in 2008, and its business has grown as more consumers buy connected TVs.

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June 24, 2019

Identity Resolution Big Focus for Samba TV

San Francisco-based Samba was set up to help advertisers and broadcasters know, with certainty, which TV shows viewers were watching, for how long and how attentive they were.

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June 24, 2019

It’s Time For Standardization In Linear Addressable TV

Advertisers need scale to break down the larger population and deliver the right message to the right audiences.

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