News Center

March 16, 2020

Trade Desk Integrates Data From Samba TV in Australia

Samba TV’s data is generated from Automated Content Recognition technology embedded in 26 million smart TV sets. The Australian media industry recently launched Virtual Australia--nicknamed VOZ--to provide all-screen, cross-platform reporting.

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March 11, 2020

Samba TV’s ACR-Enabled Viewership Data is Now in the AWS Cloud for Easier Analysis and Integration

Samba TV provides representative viewership data from over 20 million homes in the U.S. that have opted-in to share their viewing activity – data that can be used by brands and agencies as the basis for audience and advertising campaign analytics – like when they want to reach light viewers of traditional TV, including heavy streamers.

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March 6, 2020

Go Beyond Legacy Panels With First-Party Data: Samba TV’s Navin

TV advertisers are going to need to leverage their own customer data sets in the coming era of advanced TV ad targeting – because the recent age of indiscriminate targeting is being nixed amid a flight to privacy.

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March 6, 2020

Advanced Advertising Panel To Look at ROI Guarantees

For years, it was taken on faith that television advertising worked. It drove viewers to auto showrooms, opened movies and made products fly off the shelf.

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January 18, 2020

Why Amazon Will Beat Roku In Connected TV

"There are a lot of players in the space," said Marc Bourget, vice president of Samba TV. He added: "These might not be networks or channels, but these are aggregators who, when you look at their offering, they actually present a lot of those premium channels. The CTV space is extremely fragmented."

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January 17, 2020

TV Advertising Keeps on Dropping

"We've begun seeing companies like Samba TV, a company that has their software on most television manufacturers' devices. They're in 25 million televisions across the world and can provide real-time data for marketers at a breadth and depth that's never before been available."

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