News Center

March 25, 2020

It's Not Just Streaming -- Viewing On Premium Cable Networks Rises

It isn’t only premium streaming OTT platforms that are seeing usage growth, due to COVID-19 issues. Among premium cable networks, viewing is also sharply higher as more people stay home from work or school.

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March 23, 2020

Why auto ad spending is holding steady — and looks likely to remain so

As the unprecedented coronavirus situation grinds on, many companies have chosen to halt or rein in their ad spending. Yet as of last week, automotive ad spending remained largely resilient.

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March 21, 2020

Zoom, CNBC and Jigsaw Puzzles: How America’s Shut-In Families Are Spending Their Days

The confined U.S. consumer is watching a lot of cable TV, ordering books to keep the little ones occupied and downloading apps for everything from videogames to social gatherings.

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March 20, 2020

With schools shut, kids linear TV ratings are on the up

Children’s linear TV ratings have been in a slump for years as children’s viewing habits shifted to online streaming, social and gaming platforms. But with tens of thousands of schools shutting their doors across the U.S., many kids are whiling away some of their endless hours of free time in front of the TV.

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March 19, 2020

Kids' Viewing On The Rise In The Time Of COVID-19

Reversing some systemic ratings declines, national TV kids' networks have seen gains over the last week, as more children are now home from school due to COVID-19 concerns, according to two different TV research companies.

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March 19, 2020

Daytime TV notes self-isolation spike amid coronavirus pandemic

US daytime television is witnessing a resurgence as self-isolating Americans turn to formats such as Ellen, Access Hollywood and The Talk to tide them through the coronavirus pandemic. The rapid and dramatic shift in viewer behaviour is recorded by Samba TV, which registered a 16% jump in daytime viewing on Monday versus the week prior, the first full weekday since the imposition of strict social distancing measures.

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